Sunday, August 2, 2009


The beaches of Viña that are closest to my house, though unswimmable, are stunning. I walked from Recreo to Viña, through the plazas, past the Reloj de Flores, which is super cool, and along the ocean. I met up with Trena and Ariel, and we hung out there practicing Spanish until sunset. Then pizza hut. Yes it is the same, minus the language. I returned after tea for the cine at the Mall with Ariel. Enemigos Públicos is excellent by the way, you should all go see it (it's in English). Most of the movies were in English with Spanish subtitles, and were US films. There was only one Chilean film, which very much surprised me.

So in Viña, it is not really safe to walk around at night after dark by yourself, particularly this late. So, we took a colectivo to Cafe Journal, where I could get another colectivo to my house. Precautions taken, no problem. There was this guy close to the cafe, among other people as well. We waited maybe 30 feet away from where he was, but he immediately started creeping towards us, watching. For sure up to no good. I have no absolutely doubts that he was going to do something bad, likely try to rob one or both of us. His actions confirmed it- he got sort of close, and Ariel sort of shielded me and then pulled me away quickly in the opposite direction. We walked quickly up the hill and he did not follow, but went somewhere out of sight. If I had been alone, I would not have even stopped in the area, I would have ran. A scary experience for both of us. After a few minutes a colectivo came and I was safe, but he had to wait for one by himself then. It was absolutely insane. I was glad to have a Chilean friend there. Creepy, stalkerish, shady people one encounters on the street are called flaites. They are the reason you take friends with you at night.

Seriously, don't worry, I never travel alone at night, and never have to walk far because there are colectivos, which are much safer than busses at night. And I have good friends to travel with Please don't worry, I am paranoid, keep money in two places on me at all times, secure all my stuff to my body and don't carry any extra, carry my stuff in front and hold it, carry a phone, have keys which could be a weapon, travel with others, and have at least some common sense and a knowledge of how to get around safely. Constant vigilance! (thank you Moody).


  1. I should probably take this moment to oo and ahh over your intense, scary moment. But rather I'm going to applaud your writing... I love your style. I don't know if I can quite explain it... but there is something very easy to relate with about how you write. It has both style and personality and is a very easy read... you know when to give details and when to advance the action. Kudos.


  2. Thanks Jacob!! I am glad you enjoy reading it, and appreciate your support!
