Monday, August 31, 2009


I love confusion. You have to, when it happens so often. Today was my first day of Responsibilidad Social, and it was chaos. First of all, Mondays now include a commute to Sausalito in Viña, then Casa Central in Valpo, then leaving early from class to make it back to Sausalito in time for this class. Today I went, found rooms 1-12 easily and had to ask for directions 3 times to find room 13, which is where my class used to be. Instead it was some horrific math class, and I backed out quickly, asked for directions again, went to reception, was directed to room 8, where my class also used to be apparently. Back to reception, who directed us to an auditorium filled with students not from my class, but others listening to a seminar from our professor... no class today. It only took 45 minutes to realize this. I did eventually encounter other confused student from my class, who shared the reading assignment with me. Haha, everyone was so confused, so imagine my confusion, having never been to the class at all before and only picked up a few words in between po this and po that, but I love it, it's fun.

I've decided that the indecisive micro drivers are my fav, the ones that are like ok, it seems like you are a student, so I guess you can pay the lower fare. They are good people.

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