Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cumpleaños felíz!

On my 21st birthday, I woke up at 11:45 (yay for sleeping in) to 7 cards from the US being dumped into my lap, followed by freshly squeezed orange juice (not in my lap, though that would have been ok too.)

I went to the university to finalize my schedule, which makes me a lot happier about my life. And on the commute, both micro drivers gave me the student discount!! That has never happened before! There was a sign on the one micro that said "Don't destroy the seats!" Haha, that was a gift right there, for some reason I think it is hilarious that there is actually a sign requesting that you don't destroy part of the thing you are riding on. I also enjoyed the "Evite molestias, baje por atras" because I thought it was in reference to annoying people, but molestias are annoyances- to avoid annoyances, leave from the back [door]. Oh well, I still enjoyed it.

I invited some friends over, at 7, but in Chile that is like 3 hours too early, so at 9 some friends came over. At first, we had two from Germany, one from Switzerland, one from Japan, and me, with no Chileans there to help us all communicate in our mediocre Spanish as a second language. But never fear, the Chileans arrived, helped us correct our errors, and we commenced the bathroom trap door game. I am pretty good at opening the door from the outside, but I do love to watch people get stuck unbeknownst of the danger. AThomas was stuck in there during the birthday song. In Spanish it is essentially the same, but somehow cooler. It was a full Spanish conversation night, with many different accents and nationalities represented. I also realized how gullible I am; Thomas did not really fight off a dog with a knife, and Jono's middle name is not Honey (ok, it was more convincing than you think), among other things:)

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

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