Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Procrastination: my presentation is tomorrow

I can´t hear anything. Well I can, but not like normal. Sand keeps coming out, and I am congested to begin with. There is still some wedged under my eyelids, I can feel it grinding around and it gives me a headache. My sore from the blister I drained last week was black... you guessed it, I cut away the skin and scraped out all the little sand grains.

Today´s dance class was infinitely better than my bad-tempered one of last week. Another profe joined ours, and they both dressed in traditional clothes, different for each dance. It seemed a lot more real now. Then our profe walked out almost naked, with what was essentially underwear with long feathered strings. This was the oldest of the Rapa Nui dances. One poor embarrased girl was pulled from the audience to dance with our nearly naked profe. I flashed back to the first day of our orientation, when I saw this dance for the first time, I believe with the same dancers. The strangest things happen in these classrooms. Oh, and we got out syllabus today for this class. jaja, the class started in August.

My language exchange group, which meets once a week to converse half in English and half in Spanish, actually talked in English today. Normally we all opt for Spanish. Maca and Carolina heard me speak English for the first time. They were blown away by how different I sounded when I spoke English. How awesome though that it is halfway through the semester and they for the first time heard my English voice!

Thomas el vecino arrived from his grand adventures abroad today. Adventures abroad abroad. He went through Argentina and Uruguay and apparently had the time of his life. Poor guy though, he was attacked again, this time in Buenos Aires, but his attackers only got some money and tourist information. I don't think the flaites will be needing tourist maps of Uruguay, but I could be wrong. Thomas' reaction was great: "the malditos flaites were stupid and didn't see my cellphone, concha sus madres!!"

While I continue to procrastinate practicing my presentation again (yes, I have work to do...) let me add photos from Recreo that I took on another procrastination day. It's getting really bad... I am chugging tea (my 5th one today? maybe 6th) and eating spaghettini with ahí in my stress-induced calorie fit. You can only practice it so many times...

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